Final Paper

For my final paper I was planning on expanding on my first paper on crispr gene editing and utilitarianism. I left out some information to keep the first paper within three pages. I can talk about utilitarianism and then describe how crispr can be used to cure people of genetic diseases. Then I will write about some of the draw backs to crispr. This is when I can write about the use of crispr on an unborn fetus and how this can prevent genetic diseases on next offspring.

I also found some articles about in vetro tests with crispr that could change the way I argued in the first paper. In the first paper I said that the use of crispr on unborn fetuses may cause birth defects in search of a technology that ends up not working leading to unneeded suffering. If there is promising information on new trials then this could change the way I argue either for full use of crispr gene editing or against. I am still getting some information together.

One thought on “Final Paper

  1. I think this was addressed during presentations but it’s worthwhile turning to an additional ethical approach to back up your argument. I think it’s a good idea, however, to return to the crispr paper especially because your approach has changed since the first paper.


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